Creation-de-creation-re-criation, ancestry, history, and cosmology.
The madness one may feel (I have felt) when entering complex environments and reconnecting to something primitive: the unknown, fear, endurance, resilience, balance, and love for all things including what we don't understand, control, or have.
We, artists, are here to imagine what creation(s) is(are) once God has left things undone on the face of this earth. We are here as makers of reality.
The Amazon journey begins with
Images of Fitzcarraldo
A transposed Mallarme's ship wrecked in the silence
A fragment of Popol Vuh:
"This is the account of how
all was in suspense,
all calm,
in silence;
all motionless,
and empty was the expanse of the sky."
Deep down, we are God's favorite actors
Documentation of the Jurupari Ritual @ Aldeia Indígena Tuyuca.
Documentation of visit to Tiradentes School, located at Igarape do Camara Rio Negro, cidade de Iranduba. Couto reads to first and second grade students.

Part 1—2017:
visit and read to students.
Part 2:
Meet the school community (parents and educators) and record their folk stories. Propose the construction of the Egg-Library to the community of teachers and parents and study the logistics of building it an in their indoor patio in 2020/2021.
Part 3:
Build the EggLibrary—a children-friendly small-scale site of engagement resembling an egg that fits up to 4 kids. It's constructed with locally sourced materials and inspired by their indigenous architecture (Oca).